Mid Sweden University (MIUN) is a public university located in the middle of Sweden, right in the heart of Northern Europe, and has two campuses, one in Sundsvall and the other in Östersund. One of MIUN’s characteristics is its focus on e-learning and distance education, making higher education a possibility for more people especially in the rural part of northern Sweden. The largest institution at the university is the teacher training college. MIUN can offer a wide range of research experience in: school development and inclusive education, assessment of both cognitive and affective competencies, digital learning, quantitative methods, second-language learning, teaching multilingual students, didactic research in science, mathematics and reading development, and classroom research.
Web page: https://www.miun.se/en/
Role in the project:
In Sweden, the experiment will be conducted under the leadership of MIUN. MIUN is a leading body in Sweden in Large Scale Assessments, one of the national universities responsible for teacher education in Sweden and a delegated body of Sundsvall Municipality the board of education. MIUN will take a lead in the development of the new content targeting diversity awareness for the upgraded HAND: Empowering Teachers programme. Researchers at MIUN, who also are involved in the development of the program have broad competence in the field of diversity, involving: multiliteracies, gender studies, diversity studies, social, cultural and lingual diversity in classroom and intersectionality.
Project team:
HiH webpage at MIUN: https://www.miun.se/Forskning/forskningsprojekt/pagaende-forskningsprojekt/hand-in-hand---empowering/
Helene Dahlström (project coordinator, researcher, trainer) https://www.miun.se/Personal/helenedahlstrom/
Magnus Oskarsson (researcher, trainer) https://www.miun.se/Personal/magnusoskarsson/
Nina Eliasson (researcher, trainer) https://www.miun.se/Personal/ninaeliasson/
Hugo von Ziepel (researcher, trainer) https://www.miun.se/Personal/hugovonzeipel/
Helena Brander Bergström (trainer) https://www.miun.se/Personal/helenabranderbergstrom/
Lisette Boman (trainer) https://www.miun.se/en/personnel/lisetteboman/