The manual and materials

Manual and materials for all school staff were developed with the focus on social and emotional learning and diversity awareness, including relational competence and mindfulness.


Hand in Hand: Empowering Teachers - A training programme to develop social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness in teachers and other school staff, the main outcome of the HAND:ET project is available!

This programme is developed for the trainers committed to the continuous professional development of teachers and educators and it is tailored to foster the development of social and emotional competencies and diversity awareness (SEDA competencies). It targets teachers and focus is on teacher professional development, without expectation that teachers transfer the exercises directly into the classroom.

The programme features the theory sections, providing context and connecting theoretical concepts to practical exercises but it also recognizes the diverse contexts of training and empowers trainers to modify explanations based on their country's contexts. It relies on mindfulness practices, dialogue exercises, active listening exercises, exercises developing personal language, diversity-targeted exercises, group and pair work as well as individual exercises.

English version of the program is available here.

The Programme is also available in Croatian, German, Portuguese, Slovenian and Swedish!

Hand in Hand_Program_EN-1


Tutorials for some exercises used in the Programme are available below.

Follow the Hand - Part I

Follow the Hand - Part II

Follow the Hand - Part III

Yes … And …

No … But …

Dialogue - empathic curiosity